Dog Blood Donor Registry 

  Technical Matters 

Browser Settings

The site will not work unless your browser allows cookies and will run JavaScript.

The default settings for most browsers allow cookies and enable JavaScript.

We use JavaScript and one cookie to keep track of which region you selected.  We also use JavaScript to display and remove pop-up help windows.  Neither the cookie nor JavaScript is used for any other purpose such as advertising or tracking.

Browser Compatibility

Those are the two words that strike terror in the hearts of people writing web sites.

Our approach is to hew to the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) standards to which, arguably, the browsers conform.

That said, there are endless thoughtful arguments about conflicting interpretations of the same standard.  We resolve controversy by letting the W3C validation suites interpret the standards and determine if our pages meet W3C standards.  This can cause problems with browsers who's authors took a different view of the standards.

Fortunately, we have some first hand experience.  Volunteers report that the site seems to render properly on:

Let us know if you can add to this list.


If you spot a problem, use the "Contact Us" button to let us know!

Last count we have 47 pages, a dozen scripts and multiple databases, so there are bound to be one or two issues.  It will go a long way towards fixing the problem if your message includes these particulars:

  1. Your operating system
  2. If possible, the browser and its version (try the browser's Help/About)
  3. The page identifier of the errant page. The page identifier is at the bottom left of each page (for example, the page identifier for this page is MoreTechnical.html).
  4. A screen capture or description of the problem spotted.

How To Clear Your Region Click to clear the selected region

Clicking on the little "Clear Region" button lets you select a new region.  This is useful for demonstrations and testing.


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